Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Naturopathic Medicine Week

Sow Health is excited to be participating in Naturopathic Medicine Week! We are proud to be hosting a talk entitiled "Take charge of your health, Naturally." Mark your calendars for Thursday May 6th, 7-8pm @ 4685 Yonge St, Second floor.

This talk will be an introduction to Naturopathic Medicine and how simple changes in your life can improve your health and well-being. Our discussion will be followed by tea & healthy snacks.

Please pass this message on to anyone who might be interested in taking charge of their health. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about Naturopathic Medicine, see our clinic, and meet our newest team member: Aliyah Alibhai, HBSc, ND.

We look forward to seeing you there. Also check your local SNAP newspaper for other Naturopathic Medicine Week Events!

Yours in health,
Sarah Oulahen HBHsc, ND

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pesticides in Produce

We live in a toxic world. We are exposed to chemicals each and every day which are stored in our body and affect our overall health. Pesticides, in particular, are something to be aware of. Different pesticides have been linked with a variety of toxic effects, including:
- Nervous system effects
- Carcinogenic effects
- Hormone system effects
- Skin, eye and lung irritation

This is disheartening for me because it really makes me question the world we live in. You really have to be super-informed about everything you put in your body since there are so many things out there that are harmful. You'd think that fruits and vegetables - your #1 GO-TO healthy food would be safe. Not necessarily!

My suggestion is to follow the Environmental Working Group's Guide to pesticides. Know what the 'dirty dozen' and the 'clean 15' are. When eating a 'dirty dozen' food, consider buying it organic or wash it with particular care. Feel great about eating a 'clean 15' food - and enjoy them. Also note that the best vegetables for you (the brassica family) are clean! Yipeee.

Yours in health,
Sarah Oulahen, HBHSc, ND.