Approximately 70-80% of the population is deficient in magnesium. There are a a number of contributing factors:
1) Our soil is less healthy than it was 70 years ago. Acid rain, erosion, and harsh chemicals have impacted the amount of vitamins and minerals in our produce.
2) Many things bind and inhibit magnesium absorption. Iron, high protein diets, tannins in tea, and soy all bind magnesium in the gut and block its absorption.
3) Many staples in the North American lifestyle deplete the body's stores of magnesium. These include: processed/junk food, many pharmacological medications, coffee, exercise, alcohol, and STRESS!
So, what does magnesium do? It effects every cell in the body. Its actions include:
1) Magnesium is a cofactor assisting enzymes in catalyzing most chemical reactions in the body, including temperature regulation.
2) Magnesium produces and transports energy.
3) Magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of protein.
4) Magnesium helps to transmit nerve signals.
5) Magnesium helps to relax muscles.
Magnesium can help treat a wide variety of conditions and symptoms. From Dr. Dean's book, here is a list of how it can impact you personally. Magnesium can help with:
1) Anxiety and panic attacks. Magnesium keeps your adrenal hormones under control.
2) Asthma. Both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with magnesium deficiency.
3) Blood clots. Magnesium helps keep the blood thin.
4) Bowel disease. Magnesium makes you stay regular. Deficiency causes constipation and toxicity.
5) Cystitis. Bladder spasms are worsened with magnesium deficiency.
6) Depression. Serotonin is dependent on magnesium.
7) Detoxification. Magnesium helps your body remove heavy metals such as aluminum and lead.
8) Diabetes & hypoglycemia. Magnesium helps regulate insulin.
9) Fatigue.
10) Heart disease. Magnesium is used in hospitals as a side-effect free means of treating heart attacks, angina, and chest pain.
11) Hypertension. Magnesium relaxes blood vessels.
12) Insomnia. Magnesium helps regulate melatonin, your sleep regulating hormone.
13) Kidney disease.
14) Migraine. A key indication for magnesium is headaches.
15) Musculoskeletal conditions.
16) Nerve problems.
17) Obstetrical and gynecological problems. Magnesium helps prevent PMS and cramping during menses. It is used for fertility and high blood pressure in pregnancy.
18) Osteoporosis. Use of calcium with vitamin D without balancing the amount of magnesium in your body causes further magnesium deficiency! Magnesium enables the calcium in your body to be absorbed and more soluble.
19) Raynaud's syndrome.
20) Tooth decay.
Foods high in magnesium are: leafy green vegetables, nuts & seeds, and whole grains. You can try to eat these foods or consider supplementing. Remember that not all supplements are created equal and interactions are important. Contact a Naturopathic Doctor to determine your individual needs. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Yours in health,
Sarah Oulahen, HBHSc, ND.
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