Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Facts about Vitamin D - Your Sunshine Vitamin!

Have you been wondering why you're feeling so good lately? You probably realize that it's due to the beautiful weather outside! Did you know that this sunny weather is doing more than just uplift your spirits by being able to sit on a patio? It's creating the sunshine vitamin - Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is important for you for so many reasons. Here are just a few that we know about:
  • Vitamin D prevents infections: it strengthens the immune system and prevents you from getting sick (this is why we tend to get sick in the fall when we are spending less time outdoors)
  • Vitamin D prevents and fights cancers
  • Vitamin D stabilizes blood sugar and helps prevent diabetes
  • Vitamin D in pregnancy prevents pre-term labour, infections, and conditions in pregnancy such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia
  • Vitamin D stabilizes the immune system in autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis
  • Vitamin D strengthens your bones. It prevents rickets in childhood and helps you absorb calcium to prevent osteoporosis as you age.
  • Vitamin D helps with mood, depression, and seasonal affective disorder
  • Vitamin D prevents heart disease and hypertension
The list truly goes on and on! The more we research vitamin D, the more we realize how important it truly is.

Are you getting enough Vitamin D?
The summer really is the only time you are likely to be getting enough vitamin D. In fair skinned individuals, in 20-30 minutes of peak sun exposure you body makes 20,000IU of vitamin D. That's a good amount. But are you getting outside enough? This needs to happen at least 5 times a week.

It is known that darker skinned individuals need a lot more sun exposure to create this amount. They tend to be more deficient in vitamin D. The only true way to know is to have your levels tested (a simple blood test run through my clinic or any medical or naturopathic doctor's office). Recent studies show that approx 2/3 of Canadians are deficient in vitamin D.

My recommendation would be to still supplement in the summer, approximately 2,000IU/day for an adult. In the fall and winter months you can increase this to 3,000-5,000IU/day. I like liquid supplements that you can take at once with food (like D drops). You can get vitamin D toxicity, so make sure not to take too much more than this. Toxicity is a lot more rare than we once thought.

Bottom line, enjoy the sun and be thankful when your body is able to produce it's own vitamin D. Be careful not to get burnt! Remember your vitamin D on the days you aren't able to get outside.

Yours in health,
Sarah Oulahen, HBHSc, ND


  1. “Bottom line, enjoy the sun and be thankful when your body is able to produce its own Vitamin D”. The best provider of Vitamin D is still the sun, but overexposure is already harmful to our health. We must never miss a chance to be physically healthy. There are vitamins that can supply our body minimum nutritional needs, and we can always consider taking any of it. And with the proper advice and guidance of our doctor, we’re sure to get the most out of it -- nothing more and nothing less.

    -Yulanda Mccargo

  2. Hello Sarah,

    Is it safe to give Ddrops® 1000 IU for childern (10 yrs) old?
    I've checked their website and they say it's for Adults.

    My Doctor suggested three drops daily for my Son for 60 days.

