With flu season starting up, I think it's time for me to share some knowledge on how to improve your immune system, naturally. There are so many natural remedies out there, from astragalus to zinc. I am going to share with you the basics.
1)Vitamin D
Vitamin D is made on your skin in response to sunlight and it helps regulate the immune response. People tend to get sick in autumn, when they go outside less. The link may be decreasing levels of vitamin D. Research is showing that two-thirds of the Canadian population is deficient in this anti-cancer vitamin. It has also been studied to be more effective against preventing the flu than the flu shot. It can help asthma and mood to boot. Vitamin D is something that you should definitely consider supplementing, especially in winter months.
My advice: Take a vitamin D supplement in liquid form, 1000IU/drop. There are many brands available at your health food stores and D Drops is also found at Shoppers. Take 2-4 drops per day, at the same time, with a large meal.
An aside: I test vitamin D levels very frequently in my patients. This allows me to supplement individually. If you`re interested in truly optimizing your levels, get tested!
2) Probiotics
Your skin and the tissues lining your intestines provide a physical barrier against invading organisms. These are lined with healthy bacteria, which physically outcompete harmful microbes, activate immune cells (70% of your immune system is in your gut!), and aid in digestion. These healthy bacteria are your friends!
Your healthy bacteria can become disturbed and imbalanced, and this affects your immune system. A diet high in simple sugar and refined carbohydrates, stress, and food allergies all play a role in this healthy lining.
It is important to note that taking antibiotics will kill the bad bacteria causing your infection, but they will also kill your healthy lining of probiotics. It is essential to supplement with a therapeutic dose of probiotics to ensure you don't get sick after your course of antibiotics. Take a supplement with at least 10 billion live cells of bacteria per serving. Yogurt typically is good for maintaining your lining, but not building it up ;)
FYI: Did you know that there are actually 10 times as many bacteria in body than human cells? If you put these bacteria together, they would make an "organ" similar to the size of your liver, weighing between 1-1.5kg. This amazes me!
3) When you do get sick....everything else to try:
Vitamin C: when taken during and infection, it will shorten its length and severity. Take 1,000-2,000mg of vitamin C every couple of hours! You can take vitamin C to "bowel tolerance", or the point in which it causes loose schools.
Zinc: very good for your immune system and to turnover cells. A good way to get zinc when you`re sick is in the form of zinc lozenges.
Onions, garlic, oil of oregano: all antimicrobial and all very good for you. Increase these when you are sick.
Sugar: sugar essentially turns off your immune system. Avoid it always, but be especially careful not to eat it when you're sniffly.
Dairy: Dairy foods tend to form mucus. If you're stuffed up, try avoiding it!
Hopefully that helps you stay healthy throughout Fall and Winter! Please comment and ask questions if you have them.
Yours in health,
Sarah Oulahen HBHSc, ND.